Tincman Herps Packages all of its supplements in small quantities to ensure freshness.
Timcman’s new Ultrafine Calcium is a result of tedious research, as he wanted to get this supplement right being that calcium is the most common deficiency found in Dendrobatidae. Conflicting documentation on the type of Calcium source amphibians absorb and utilize best resulted in our new product. Most Calcium sources are either derived from Oyster shells or not pure calcium Carbonate free of impurities and filler ingredient. Timcman’s new product uses two different sources of calcium with the logic that the Dual sourcing provides a more complete absorption to your amphibians and reptiles. The Calcium D3 Supplement is Phosphorous free and is proven to be a more readily absorbed and used form of calcium /D3 for amphibians than some competing brands.. We strongly recommend calcium in a rotation as this is the most common form of deficiency we see in amphibians… young Amphibians & Reptiles with growing bones should get this supplement weekly at minimum and adults will also benefit from a weekly dose.